January 12
Time:02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
Josephy Center
Josephy Center for Arts and Culture
403 Main St
Joseph, OR, 97846
Learn to play the Appalachian mountain dulcimer with Heidi Muller. Held at the Josephy Center in Joseph, OR, it will run for five 90-minute sessions on Sundays starting on January 12. The dulcimer is easy to learn, with no musical experience required! Heidi will teach you all the basics and students can typically play one or two simple songs in the first lesson. Music includes traditional tunes and familiar songs as we progress from one-finger melodies to using chords. Beginning and reviewing students welcome. Register now at www.josephy.org.
Rental dulcimers are available for $50, payable to instructor. To reserve a rental, email heidi.muller.music@gmail.com. Instructor also has instruments for sale.