“I’m a professional educator, teacher educator, and teacher evaluator. You’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen. You break things into small bits, repeat as needed and patiently offer lots of encouragement. You know what is hard about your subject and how to make it easy. Thanks for giving me a window into beautiful music and a new lease on life!!!”
– Catherine M., Road Scholar student

For Class Descriptions, please email heidi.muller.music@gmail.com
Write Your Story Into Song
Writing Songs of Place
Beginning Chords & Strum Patterns
Beginning Fingerpicking
Beginning Flatpicking
Chords and Backup for Songs
Fun with Walking Bass Lines
Get to Know Your Mountain Dulcimer
Introduction to Mountain Dulcimer (DAD Tuning)
How to Change Strings and Care for Your Mountain Dulcimer
Tips for Steady Strumming
Keep It Simple, Make It Smooth
Starting Out with Easy Chords
Let’s Play Waltzes
Easy Folk Songs
Easy Christmas Carols
Novice / Advanced Beginner
Toe-Tapping Tunes
Easy Arpeggios
A Pocket Full of Songs
Bring Out the Melody: Pick and Strum
Dress Up Your Tunes with Harmonies
Fiddle Tunes Melody & Backup
Introduction to Flatpicking
Introduction to Fingerpicking
Movable Chords Up the Fretboard
Smooth Out Your Playing
Playing in 3/4 Time
Capo Tunes in DAD
Easy Songs in Other Tunings (DGD, DAA, DAC)

What Does the Capo Do?
Starting on Three-Finger Chords
Fiddle Tunes and Techniques
West Virginia Fiddle Tunes
Arranging Medleys
Build Speed and Expression with Hammers, Pulls, and Slides
Intros, Breaks, and Endings
Calypso! Learn to Syncopate Your Strum
Flatpicking with a Pulse
Fingerpick the Grand Old Hymns
Fingerpicking Best-Loved Christmas Carols
Play in Several Keys Without a Capo
Introduction to 4-Equidistant Strings
Waltz Around the World
Playing in Three-Quarter Time, Solos and Duets
European Tunes
Get to Know DAG Tuning and Dorian Mode
Singing with the Mountain Dulcimer
Songs of Legendary Folksinger Bill Staines
River and Other Classics by Bill Staines
Songs for the 4th of July
Uncommon Holiday Songs
Upper Intermediate
Fiddle Tunes & Techniques
Get to Know EAA Tuning
4-Equidistant String Fingerpicking
The Jig is Up! Matching Slower Strumming with Ornaments
Fingerpicking with Flow
Arranging with Fingerpicking and Arpeggios
Fingerpicked Hymns
Fingerpicked Duos
Fingerpicked Hymn Duos
Songs of Bill Staines, Melody & Accompaniment
Fingerpick “Andie’s Air” and More by Bill Staines
Arranging with Fingerpicking and Arpeggios
West Virginia Fiddle Tunes
Fun and Challenging Dulcimer Duos
Duets & Trios
4-Equidistant Strings: Fingerpick “The Methow Suite”
Fingerpick “Leaving the Methow” from Masters of the Mt. Dulcimer, Vol. II CD